Wednesday 2 December 2015

My Favourite Film of All Time

         Your favourite movie has to be something that you know you can always rely on. Something that you can watch when you're feeling down and need something to pick you back up. Or a movie that you will go out of your way to stop whatever it is that you are doing and take the time to watch the movie.

      For me, my favourite show is a cross between 21 Jump Street and Kicking and Screaming. I know I can rely on these movies to pick me up when I am down and they will always be there to make me feel better. For me I feel that comedies are the best movies because you will usually need a good laugh when you are feeling down or you'll need something to take your mind off of the things that are going on in your life. For me, these movies are 21 Jump Street and kicking and Screaming because I have seen them so many times that I have memorized most of the lines in the films and I can count on it to cheer me up.

   For me, another factor that comes in to play when deciding what my favourite film of all time is depends on the time of the year or the season. For example, whenever its Christmas time I will watch Elf around 6 or 7 times in a 4 week span. The movie puts me in such a good mood to just spend time with my family and appreciate what I have during the holidays. Another example would be something that I personally do in my life is watching funny movies related to school in the summer. its funny to me because I choose to watch these movies during summer as it gives me a little reminder that I don't have to deal with what these people in the movies are dealing with for at least two months.

     In conclusion, I feel a movie should reflect the opposite of your personality at the time of watching it or reflect on something happening in your life during the current moment. Like watching Christmas movies during Christmas or watching school movies when you're out of school or lastly just watching hilarious movies that don't make you think much when you are in need of a good old fashioned laugh.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Terrorist Attacks in Paris


               If you haven't heard, which it would be very hard to believe if you didn't hear, there were Terrorist attacks by ISIS on Paris, France on Friday during a soccer match. An unidentified man was carrying a bomb attached to his chest and was not granted access into the stadium. He then walked away and detonated the bomb. Also there was mass shooting during a concert killing many people and injuring even more. The question that has to be asked here is why. What was the reasoning behind ISIS bombing Paris and why did they do it.

     Apparently, there are many reasons for why ISIS decided to terrorise France and the first is simply because, this is what Global Jihadists do and they simply cant help themselves. Another reason is that this was always the plan, but Isis didn't have the capability or opportunity to carry it out before and they felt that considering there was a large concert as well as a soccer match they felt that this would be the best time to do so considering how populated Paris was going to be. The Islamic State wants to offset its territorial loses in Syria and Iraq by carrying out high-profile attacks abroad. this mean that ISIS wants to take their mind off of their territorial loss to Iraq and they felt they felt that the best way to do that was to bomb Paris.

   By ISIS doing this terrible action they are making a statement saying that they want to cement their position as leader and show Al Qaeda that they are the leader of the Global Jihad and they want everyone to fear them so they know how strong they really are. ISIS also wants more powerful nations to attempt to get rid of ISIS as it will give them even more reasoning to want to terrorise these particular countries like United States and Russia. But the answer could be way more simplistic to why ISIS did this. It could be the total opposite of what we think the reasoning is to why ISIS did this. Maybe ISIS actually wants its enemies to all go into Syria so ISIS can do things to their countries when there is nobody there to protect it. ISIS could potentially drain resources, since all large countries are basically at war, it will create a lot of chaos. they may even be presenting themselves as a defender of Muslims in which they just want to protect their religion.

    The thing that is very bad is that ISIS is very unpredictable and we don't know when they will strike again. In my opinion I believe that all of the larger countries like USA, England, Canada, Russia and France all need to declare war and fight together to defeat the Islamic Nation once and for all. For the safety of the citizens I believe that the only way to defeat ISIS is to declare war and get rid of them once and for all.

Monday 2 November 2015

Was shooting Sammy Yatim Necessary

        Sammy Yatim, 18 was on a TTC streetcar, and decided to pull out his penis and held teenage girls at the back of the Streetcar hostage with a knife. After the Streetcar came to a stop all the passengers ran off the car and Sammy stayed on the Car. Shortly after the cops arrived and they all held guns to him asking him to drop his knife. After he held the knife in his hand after being asked multiple times to drop the knife James Forcillo a 30 year old officer shot him times. After seeing that he was still moving he put another 6 shots for a total of 9 shots to Sammy. To top it all off, Sammy was moving but at the slightest and the Officer decided to tase Sammy to solidify that Sammy was no longer a threat. You have to look at this from two different perspectives. What would you want the police officer to do if you were a parent of someone who was being threatened by Sammy or what would you want the Police to do if you were close to Sammy.

       Some people may think that Officer Forcillo shooting him 9 times as well as tasering him after the shots were fired was going overboard. People know that Sammy was not close enough to the officers that the knife would cause a threat. Even if Sammy decided to throw the knife, the armour that Officers wear would easily protect them. If they wanted to make sure that Sammy no longer posed a threat then they could have easily shot Sammy in a spot that would have made him fall to the ground like the arm or leg. This returns to cop training, maybe they should train cops to shoot people in places that will most likely not cause death so we can prevent things like this happening. At the end of the day, Cops should be here to serve and protect, not murder.

        Other people may think that shooting Sammy was the right thing to do. Due to the fact that he was holding a knife, he was posing a threat. The only way to keep everyone safe on and off the streetcar was to remove him from the situation and after he decided not to listen to the officers, they felt that the best thing to do was to get rid of him by shooting him. Yatim reportedly pulled out his penis and was threating girls at the back of the streetcar with a knife. How would you feel if you were a parent of one of the girls. what would you want the cops to do.  you would want the cops to remove him from that particular situation for the safety of your daughter

    In my opinion I think that shooting Sammy Yatim was not necessary, let alone 9 times as well as a taser shock. I feel that, at a distance a knife can not cause a threat. In the surveillance video you can easily see that Sammy is scared, considering he had several guns pointed at him. Although I didn't personally know Sammy I could tell that the only reason he didn't drop his weapon is because he felt that is was the only sense of defence he had. Even after Sammy didn't drop his weapon there was clearly no need to shoot him 9 times. At most the officer could have shot him in an area like the arm or leg which would cause Sammy to drop the weapon and not die. I hope that the officer that shot Sammy gets charged as well as lose his job because we can not have officers like that who aren't protecting us attempt to protect us.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Does Media Hype Cause Harm or Success ?

             Hype in the media can be anything from killing off a character in a series to hyping a particular product around Christmas time and the thing that we don't realize is that the more we talk about the particular show, the more hype builds up and in regards to T.V shows and products, hype means money.

             In Regards to television, hype will make you a lot of money when you decide to make a controversial move in the particular series. If you kill off a character in a T.V series, everybody begins to talk about it the next day and what consumers don't realize is that by us talking about it they are gaining hype and when shows gain hype they gain better reviews as people are demanding the show because they want to find out what will happen next and to top it all of, all of this hype is just making the Series gain more and more money. An example of this would be Dexter. In this series , you may have not noticed it but they would always end off the season with the main character Dexter killing off the main Villain in that particular season. They would usually introduce a new character in the last episode of one season and that same character would play the villain in the upcoming season. By doing this, it creates a lot of hype and makes people excited as they feel like they cant wait for the next season, considering they always end of the previous season in suspense. There is also a lot of hype around Christmas time in regards to toys and merchandise. Big companies will release new things around November and December so consumers will buy them for Christmas. The funny thing that us the consumers don't realize is that why do we need this particular product in December more than we need it the 11 months prior. it is all about advertising and because they advertise their products so much it creates a lot of hype for us to buy them. When a particular product sells out, there is a lot of hype because people want them really badly and they feel that the only way that they can is from people who already have that product for more money. The problem with this is that all this hype triggers companies to increase their prices as soon as they restock that particular product so that they can get an ever larger profit because of the high demand.

           Some disadvantages in regards to hype in T.V show is that it can actually cause harm to their ratings. If the hype surrounding the show is that one of the main characters was killed off then many people who adore that particular character will proceed to giving the show a bad rating because their favourite character is now gone. Some people only watch shows because they have a favourite character and if they kill them off then what is the point of that person watching anymore. For Example, this past Sunday, AMC hit show The Walking Dead killed off one of their biggest characters who has been on the show since the first season Glenn. This was a controversial move as it could backfire viewers who love Glenn to not watch the show anymore and give a bad rating. Product and Consumers hype can cause harm simply because of build up. If there is a specific product being hyped up for a while and people finally receive it, some cases the product might not exceed expectations. Another prime example would be Black Friday. The biggest deals of the year in North America are on this day and people line up for days just to get early Christmas shopping done and all this hype leading up to black Friday comes with harm during black Friday. Every year people fight with one another push and shove just to get the greatest deals. For the past 8 years there has been an average of 4 deaths every black Friday which is terrible considering people think that they are just getting early shopping done, meanwhile they are at risk of death and injury.

           In conclusion, I think hype in media and T.V shows is fine as it provides many benefits for the viewers as well as the producers but in my opinion I think hype regarding Products and Advertisements is not good as it can make us feel bad about the product that we finally get after a year of waiting for it or we can even get injured trying to get a good deal on a T.V on Black Friday. Hype in television isn't bad because it doesn't harm anyone physically meanwhile when your shopping on Black Friday, your at risk.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Dear 18 Year Old Self

Dear , 18 Year Old Self and Future Voter

         I hope that you will actually take the time and actually go out and vote. As a 16 year old right now I think that you should vote for the Liberal Party. Based on the election going on right now in 2015 I think that the Liberal Party provides the largest amount of benefits for young people like you. With all the encouragement towards young people I hope you make sure that you actually do vote. Make sure that you if you don't vote for Liberals, vote for anyone but conservatives. They are a bad party in my eyes and they don't provide any benefits for you as a first time voter.

         Turnout for young Canadians in the May 2011 election was considerably below the average – just 38.8 percent of Canadians aged 18-24 and 45.1 percent of 25-34 year olds voted. A study commissioned by Elections Canada following the election gives new insight into why they are less engaged. The National Youth Survey -- the most comprehensive study yet of 18-34 year-olds -- detailed the motivational and access barriers they experienced. When asked why they did not vote, many participants cited access issues – they were too busy, couldn't get to the polls, and didn't know where the polls were – but scratching below the surface, the study found that in most cases, the real issue is motivation. In other words, if they were motivated to vote, most youth could overcome these access barriers. Don't be in this 38 % and not vote. Be yourself and take the time to vote for the Liberal Party.

            It seems that many people your age as well as people a little bit older than you aren't motivated to vote because they feel it is a waste of time and has nothing to do with them. Believe me, voting for the Liberals will  provide so many benefits for you and your parents. If you are asking what your parents has to do with this situation, just remember, when your parents are happy that will make you happy because your not getting into trouble by them. So, in  conclusion vote for the Liberals because they will keep everyone happy.


Friday 16 October 2015

Narcissm in Society

            Narcissism is defined as excessive or erotic interest in ones self and ones physical appearance. People are beginning to think that if they are physically attractive or they have a lot of money, then nothing else really matters. For example, Floyd Mayweather. He is a professional boxer and is probably one of the wealthiest person on this planet. During his fight against Manny Pacquiao, Floyd made 1.46 million dollars for every minute of his fight, according to The funny thing is, although he has all this money and he is indeed narcissistic, he is illiterate and can not speak fluent English even though he is American. The word Narcissism comes from the Greek Mythology story of Narcissus. Narcissus was the very handsome fellow in Greek mythology who, because of his indifference and disdain toward others, was punished by the gods by falling in love with his own image. He was so enraptured by his beauty that he was unable to pull himself away from his own reflection, and he wasted away and died. In my eyes there are two variations of Narcissism. You are either full of yourself because you think your physical features are perfect, you are super wealthy and can do whatever you want with the money you make, or you are proud of who you have become and show pride in your physical appearance.

              If you are one of the people who are ignorantly narcissistic and have a really large ego, only caring about yourself and not others, then I truly feel bad for you. Studies in America have shown that 30% of young people ( 18 and under ) are considered narcissistic and in the last 5 years that percentage has increased by 8%. A study by the celebrity psychiatrist Dr. Drew, in which 200 celebrities completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, found that they were significantly more narcissistic than the general population. We wonder why our narcissistic population has been increasing and this clearly the reason why. We generally look up to celebrities as leaders and people who we want to be like when we are older and if they are showing narcissism towards themselves we are going to ' follow in their footsteps ' and by following our celebrity footsteps we are contributing to the rising population of narcissism.

               Another way you can view a form of narcissism is showing pride in yourself. If you had bad habits and your life was going in the wrong direction, picked your socks up, got back on track and showed pride in accomplishing that, then that is a good form of narcissism. There is a difference between being full of yourself and being proud of yourself. If you are like Kim Kardashian and you're famous for doing nothing and earning lots of money while still bragging about it then you are a narcissist. Meanwhile, if you go through many tough years of schooling and work really hard at school and get good grades to eventually get a good job making lots of money then you are a good narcissist because you have earned your wealth.

              In my opinion I believe that Narcissism in society and in peoples everyday lives is okay if you are being a narcissist in a good way. Showing pride is being a good narcissist while bragging about the amount of money you have or how popular you are when you did close to nothing or nothing to earn it is being a bad narcissist. Narcissism in society wont go away because we always want what celebrities have and they are going to brag about the wealth that they have or the things that they own just to trigger our desire to be just like them.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Will the Man Responsible for Killing Three Children and Grandfather Experience Justice

         Jennifer Neville Lake and her husband thought that her Father and Mother as well as grandmother were just going back home in their minivan like any other ordinary Sunday Afternoon, but then a drunk driver by the name of Marco Muzzo struck their minivan and killed the three children as well as the grandfather. Daniel Neville Lake who was the oldest child was killed on scene as well as the grandfather. Later that evening, Harrison and little sister Milly both passed away holding one another's hands in their hospital beds. In the car was also Grandmother and Great Grandmother of the children who are still alive receiving treatment at hospital.

         There is one way you can look at this that most people will most likely disagree with but it is still an option in to regards of how this happened. Marco Muzzo couldn't be totally to blame here as there could have been a possibility that the grandmother driving could have avoided the crash. Another point that you can take into perspective is that although he was double the limit of the alcohol driving level, there is a very slight chance that he could have been sick and actually had some cough syrup that contains alcohol or mouthwash that has alcohol but these are definitely highly unlikely.

        You can also view this situation as Marco being drunk off of liquor which is obviously a stupid decision to drive being under the influence because he was a danger to all drivers on the road and could've and did kill multiple people. This situation is very unfortunate and is going to be dealt with on October 19 which is his Bail hearing date. It is truly pathetic to think that in todays society ,money can get you out of anything. Coincidentally, Mr.Muzzo who is from a really rich family had to give his car in for evidence and it apparently caught on fire. Most likely Marco Muzzo used his money to pay someone to destroy the evidence so he has a greater chance of getting less of a punishment considering the evidence is now gone.

     The question to be asked here is will Mr.Muzzo feel Justice? In my opinion I think that he will indeed feel justice because at the end of the day, he took the lives of three children and their grandfather and if you could live with yourself after committing such a large crime and not feel any animosity then there is a lot of problems going on in your life. Marco Muzzo must put himself in the shoes of the mother and feel what she is going through having lost her father and three children. Marco Muzzo should feel guilty and feel sorry for taking away the life of three young children and an elderly grandfather and he will face the consequences of his actions for driving while under the influence.

Should Female Students at J.V be Able to Wear Tight Yoga Pants

       The staff at Jean Vanier High School have decided to prohibit females from wearing yoga pants and tight pants because they feel that the male population are getting distracted. You either agree with this decision or you on the same side as the female population at Jean Vanier and you disagree with this situation.

       The situation is that Jean Vanier staff think that the males at the high school are getting too distracted by the females wearing tight yoga pants as the males are paying attention to the girls legs and butt and not their school work. You have to look a this from two different perspectives. Males may actually be distracted by females wearing tight pants and they may be not focusing on school work. Males at J.V marks may be decreasing and the staff may feel that this could be a reason why. On civvies days females may where these tight leggings just to get boys attention or just to look good and have their legs and butt area nice and tight. Another solution is that if the females at Jean Vanier don't agree with this situation and feel that they should wear whatever they want, then they can easily get a school transfer.

       On the other side of things, we have probably 95% of the female student population at Jean Vanier disagreeing with this situation. Females think that its unfair that boys can wear whatever they want while women have limitations to what they wear on civvies days. You have to look at other situations, what if there was a women who was Principal or Vice Principal, how would the situation differ. Do the female teachers still get to wear tight pants ? Because if they do then what is the difference between the boys looking at Female Students butts rather than looking at Teachers butts. Do they not get distracted just because teachers are older. There is the fair share of females that do wear the tight Yoga Pants to look sexy but the vast majority of female students wear the Yoga Pants for comfort. They already give you limitations on colours that you have to wear on civvies days but it seems a bit unfair to not allow females to wear a certain type of pants. Some girls maybe don't fit into Jeans and would like to wear Leggings just for comfort not as a fashion statement. If all students have to wear uniforms for the majority of an entire month and they are very strict on the uniform during that month, then you shouldn't have that many limitations on civvies days because you only get them once a month so you should be able to wear whatever you want.

       In my opinion I feel that Females should be allowed to wear the tight yoga pants because at the end of the day it is a piece of clothing. It is not harming anyone in any way and if boys get distracted its their problem to deal with. I find it very unlikely that boys cant focus on their school work because their eyes are attached to a women's butt. Although teenage boys do look at girls butts they don't do it to the point where they cant focus on school work and it becomes a major distraction.

Friday 25 September 2015

The FIFA President Controversy

Over the past year FIFA President, Sepp Blatter has gotten himself in quite a mess. There has been many speculations regarding Blatter and the bribery scandal about the 2022 World Cup being held in Qatar. People feel that Sepp accepted a bribe to let Qatar host the 2022 world cup. Qatar hosting the world cup has had many changes being made to the tournament which is leaving many people unhappy. Since Qatar's climate is so hot one change they are making is that they are going to make the tournament in November and December rather than usually having it in June and August. Another controversial thing about the topic is that Qatar is in the Middle East and people are concerned about bomb threats on The biggest sports tournament in the world watched worldwide by over 2,000,000,000 ( 2 billion ) people. There has been lots of people who would say that they are going to run for the presidency but they all eventually fall through. Sepp Blatter's tenure as FIFA president suffered a new blow after the Swiss Attorney General opened criminal proceedings against him on "suspicion of criminal mismanagement." A statement released by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Switzerland confirmed it was examining a contract signed by Blatter with the Caribbean Football Union and an alleged "disloyal payment" of $2 million to UEFA president Michel Platini.In a statement sent to CNN, Blatters lawyer Richard Cullen said: "We're confident that when the Swiss authorities have a chance to review the documents and the evidence they will see that the contract was properly prepared and negotiated by the appropriate staff members of FIFA." The big question asked here is that if there is this much complication and difficulty regarding Blatter and his job, is it worth keeping him as FIFA president.

In my opinion I think that Blatter should be fired. There has been so much controversy that people are starting to focus more on the President, than the actual game of soccer. There has been to much commotion and speculation going on regarding Sepp Blatter and the decisions that he has made that I think that they should get rid of him for good. If FIFA fire Sepp Blatter then we would stop focusing on bribery and speculation about the President position and finally focus on the 'beautiful game'

Thursday 17 September 2015

Air India Denies "Fat' People Access to fly


               Air India has decided to tell 125 crew members that they are not allowed to fly because they are simply "too fat". Reducing you luggage weight is manageable but reducing your body weight is not possible to quickly fix. The State Run Carrier warned 600 crew members that they are overweight and it is not good for passengers flying on Air India to look at. The 125 members were fired after they failed to reach an "adequate BMI" (Body Mass Index).BMI is reached by comparing somebodies height to their weight. It doesn't make you unhealthy if your BMI is high, but it remains a popular solution as it is very simple to calculate. This announcement came after the 600 people were told to shape up did not do so. 18-25 was an acceptable BMI for men while 18-22 was acceptable for women. Unfortunately for the staff members, the average BMI between the males and the females was 26 which means that they were unfit to be working for Air India. This also hasn't been the only time that there has been incidents involving Air India. In 2008 they didn't allow women with a BMI over 20 which was extremely sexist because at the time Men didn't have any requirements to meet in regards to their BMI

                I feel that this is very unfair and definitely unacceptable. In Todays society, people most likely do not care about body weight and obviously care more about kindness and generosity. Would it matter to you if your flight attendant wasn't the skinniest, or if your Pilot is the slightest overweight. I don't think body weight matters, especially on my way to vacation. The thing that I could care the least about is the staff on boards body weight. I am focused on getting to my location safely and having a good vacation. This should be a big thing in the news because this is not acceptable. People rely on these jobs to supply their family with food and shelter and they shouldn't be losing their job because their body weight isn't acceptable. Although it may be hard to seem, but some good has come out of this situation. Considering Air India wants their crew members to be physically fit, a member mentioned them to pay for their gym memberships. After that was declined Air India supplied all their "unfit" members with free yoga classes. Air India should give all their crew embers jobs back in my opinion because at the end of the day, firing someone because of their body weight, seems a little ridiculous. It seems that Air India only cares about body weight and just as a former crew member named Joshi Digla, who was fired said "weight is not an infectious disease" which means that weight has nothing to do with Generosity and Knowledge which are two characteristics that most flight crew members have and on Air India are clearly not being credited for.

Monday 14 September 2015

The Civvies Wage Change

         If you haven't already heard, the Bishop Reding community have decided to increase the Civvies wage from 10$ to 20$. Many people have mixed emotions in regards to this decision, some students agree with it and others feel that they shouldn't have to pay money to wear their own clothes.

    The Civilian wage has been increased from $10 to 20$ for the entire school year and there are two sides you can take , you either agree with the increase or you disagree with the wage increase. Reasons why students would agree with this is because although they are paying more money , they still get the privilege to wear their own clothes with little exceptions. Also, a reason why the wage is increased and why there even is a wage is to give the money to local charities that help with children who would like to play sports and join clubs who simply do not have enough money to do so. 20$ may seem like a lot of money to pay at the beginning of the semester but, previous years when my brother and sister went to school, they had to pay 2$ every single civvies day and considering that we have approximately 10 months of school then that would mean that we will have 10 civvies days. If you do the math 2 multiplied by 10 equals 20 so therefore we are paying the same amount as previous students at B.R had to pay. Every year prices go up , house prices, gas prices and even food prices. The staff believed that if all these prices keep increasing annually then why can't the price that the students pay for civvies days be increased as well.

    On the other side of things, we have many students who totally disagree with the wage increase.  Students feel that they shouldn't have to pay money to wear clothes that they already own let alone pay double of what they payed last year. Students also feel that its unfair because of the fact that on most civvies days , they are telling us what colour we have to wear because its a spirit day and if we decide that we don't want to wear that colour then we will get in trouble.

     In My opinion, I will pay the 20$ for the civvies. It is also beneficial because we know that the money we give for the civvies days are going to a good cause as we are helping children who cant afford to do the things that they would like, the opportunity to do so as well as giving a portion to our school so we can have enough money to provide us, the students with anything we may want throughout the school year. At the end of the day we all want to wear our own clothes and we don't want to be that kid who is wearing his/her uniform on civvies days