Thursday 7 January 2016

Trudeau Spanking Ban

       Justin Trudeau is working to implement a law that states that spanking your children as a way of providing disciplinary action will be illegal soon. Parents either think that this is the right thing to do or they think that the Government shouldn't get involved in the homes of the nation.

      This may come off as surprising to some but spanking your children as a way of showing them discipline is legal in some ways as of right now, although Justin Trudeau is working to change that. The law permits only mild corrective action. The law prohibits straps, paddles and other implements, blows to the head, and any corporal punishment of children under 2, In no way does it condone beatings or physical harm, by parents or any other adults. When it comes to disciplining your children many parents are asking for change regarding the laws towards child abuse. Many people feel that it is ridiculous that you will get reported for leaving your child in the car alone for five minutes but if you spank your child in the butt there will be no consequences. Abusive parents need to be dealt with because the parents behaviour inside the house will affect their children's behaviour everywhere else. Justin Trudeau has promised to implement every one of the 94 recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. No 6 on this list calls for the repeal of current spanking law which Trudeau is taking action to right now.

        Other parents believe that there is nothing wrong with using reasonable violence to discipline your children when they have done wrong. They need to know that when they do wrong they will face the consequences. Parents that use violence against their children know that its for the better. When they spank their children, they are letting them know that if you do something wrong, this is what will happen and parents believe that something will trigger their children to not do those wrongful actions considering that they will know that the consequences of a spanking will come when they do. People also need to realize that there is a difference between protection and abuse. If your child goes to reach for a hot plate and you smack their hand away then that is protection. But if you smack your kid for misbehaving at an amusement park, then that is abuse.

      In my opinion I agree with Trudeau and I think that spanking in general should be illegal because I feel that there are other remedies that you can give to your children other than violence to prevent them from doing wrongful actions. Some of these may include taking away of electronics or being sent to their room to reflect on their actions. After the children have realized that their actions aren't worth being punished, then they will continue to act disciplined and not commit wrongful actions.  Children know when they have done wrong, and when you take something of theirs that they use frequently or they love then it will teach them to not do something bad again. In conclusion, there is no need for violence when dealing with your children because it will eventually backfire, leading Kids to think that Spanking gives the impression that violence solves problems and eventually after using violence on your children multiple times, your kids will being to tell lies because they fear of getting hurt. Violence used frequently on your children should not be permitted in any way because simply, there is no need for it.

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